A Night Under a Yellowstone Aurora

August 30, 2024  |  Yellowstone National Park

This short blog post accompanies my new gallery of images from a night photographing the aurora borealis in Yellowstone National Park. Experience this extraordinary night in Yellowstone through my free ebook. Featuring 30 captivating photos and a narrative of that incredible evening, this book invites you on a visual journey through the illuminated landscape. No email or personal information is required – I simply want to share these images to inspire. While photography is my livelihood, this resource is intended for enjoyment and inspiration. If you find value in this ebook or wish to support my work, a donation option is available below. Your support, in any form, is deeply appreciated. Enjoy the journey!

yellowstone aurora ebook cover

(Blog post continues below)

A few months ago, I had the magical experience of witnessing the Aurora Borealis in Yellowstone National Park. In early May, one of the strongest geomagnetic storms in two decades swept across Earth, painting the skies with color and creating mesmerizing auroras visible worldwide for one unforgettable night. As the reports and space weather predictions rolled in, it became clear that this storm would be significant. David and I knew we had to try to find a place to witness and photograph it. We were home in Denver when we read the forecast, but the cloud cover didn't look like it would clear in time for the aurora. So, we quickly mapped out three possible locations—two in Wyoming and one in North Dakota—packed the truck, threw together an overnight bag, and headed north the following morning.

An auroral corona bursting with rays shining down.
Yellowstone Corona Burst

We settled on Yellowstone, my heart park. It's a place we know intimately, and we knew it would be magical to experience and photograph the aurora there. The trip wasn't without its risks and uncertainties. There was only a 50/50 chance the clouds currently in Yellowstone would clear in time for the evening. The drive from Denver was 10 hours, fueled by anticipation and caffeine. We decided that if the aurora didn't materialize, we would still enjoy a photography weekend and appreciate the unexpected time in our favorite park.

A  sky with aurora over the Firehole River and Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone National Park.
Biscuit Basin Aurora

Yellowstone was waking up from its winter slumber, having only opened two days earlier for the summer season. What transpired after sunset was one of the most life-changing evenings I've ever experienced. I've never been to Iceland or Alaska, and aside from witnessing a few small geomagnetic storms in Yellowstone last year, I had never seen an intense, dancing overhead aurora. What we witnessed that night rivaled anything David had ever seen in Iceland. My favorite part was experiencing it in a place that rarely sees such storms, watching as a beloved landscape transformed into a magical world of light.Seeing my favorite thermal features bathed in the glow of the aurora was something extraordinary—an experience I never thought I'd have. The aurora kept giving up as the night went on, and we covered a lot of ground, basking in its beauty. We photographed locations from Grand Prismatic Spring, to Great Fountain Geyser, and around the Upper and Lower Geyser Basins. I took time to absorb the experience, which moved me to tears, made me cry out in joy, and touched me in ways I hadn't expected. There's something about witnessing such vast and breathtaking beauty that puts life into perspective, making you contemplate the wonders beyond yourself.

Opal pool with aurora in the sky in Yellowstone.
Opal Pool

The aurora reflects in the terraces of Grand Prismatic in Yellowstone.
Great Fountain Geyser Aurora

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